Tailored to Hong Kong parents and domestic helpers


We run a very busy schedule every day. We totally understand that parents and care-givers cannot afford a full day first aid training. Therefore, we digested and filtered out the most important information for you and your baby's caregivers. You can always come back and do your revision on demand.


New and Expecting Parents


There are loads of information out there. We wanted to tailor knowledge to new and expecting parents in fast-paced city like Hong Kong.

We are a group of professionals and parents to young kids too! We truly understand the everyday challenges you are facing as new and expecting parents. With the information shared, we hope you can enjoy and start the parenting journey with ease and confidence.

Our experts include lactation consultant, sleep trainer and registered nurses.

坊間有關育兒資訊很多, 我們為生活在香港這個節奏特別快的城市的新手爸媽和準爸媽分析及挑選了最常用到的急救技巧,特別和您們分享。

我們也是一群專業人士和年幼孩子的父母! 我們真正了解您作為新父母和準父母所面臨的日常挑戰。 通過分享資訊,希望讓您可以輕鬆自信地享受開始育兒之旅。


有關導師Michelle LOK

導師是Michelle Lok,她是一位國際認證泌乳顧問IBCLC,為過千個香港家庭提供上門母乳顧問服務,也是兩位小女孩的媽媽。在成為母乳顧問 IBCLC的臨床培訓中,嬰兒急救是重要的一個技能。

Michelle 自己亦都經歷過女兒哽塞及聽過身邊的朋友因為不懂急救,令到孩子在救護車來之前失救而死。所以希望這些技能都不想用在您的BB身上,但如果在危急情況下,嬰兒急救就是拯救你孩子生命的唯一方法。MIchelle 希望新手爸媽和初生BB的照顧者都能經歷這一場重要的急救課程。

Paediatric First Aid Course
